Prenatal Child Birth Class

2 hours/4 classes - combination lecture and movie presentations. Topics: Third trimester changes, signs and symptoms of labor Labor & Delivery "What to expect" Pain management A tour of Labor & Delivery/Postpartum *Although light refreshments will be served, please be sure to eat prior to coming to class.

Senior Fitness classes for Hudson County

This is a full body workout. Classes are perfect for active older adults in which you will get strength training, balance and stretching. Improve your health while socializing with other seniors! Classes are flexible and are done seated and standing. Hudson County senior citizens, 60 years old and up are welcome!

Jersey City Medical Center’s – Diabetes Support Group

Jersey City Medical Center’s Diabetes Support Group is a space where those living with diabetes, or their caregivers, can freely discuss positive lifestyle changes and ways to manage diabetes, check their blood glucose, and more. The group will be guided by a certified facilitator, using the Conversation Map® tool developed by the American Diabetes Association.

Fitness classes for Hudson County senior

Senior Fitness classes are a full body workout, perfect for active older adults in which you will get strength training, balance and stretching. Classes are done seated and standing. Classes are FREE of charge for all Hudson County senior residents, 60 years old and up. Classes begin at 10:15 am sharp and last 60 minutes.

Zumba for Hudson County Senior Citizens.

Zumba Gold by "Cookie", Luisa Redondo. This class is perfect for active older adults who are looking for a modified Zumba class that recreates the original moves you love at a lower intensity. Classes are easy to follow that focuses on balance, range of motion, and coordination. Come ready to sweat, and prepare to leave empower and feeling strong.

Life Skills: Ignition

A 5-week healthy living series of "kickstart" seminars designed for freshmen and sophomores in high school with instruction about time management, interpersonal relationship skills, study skills and setting yourself up well for the future.