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Health Behaviors – Sexual Activity2024-04-11T01:49:37-04:00
Overall Goal
Significantly reduce levels of STD/STI & HIV in Jersey City through expanded GYT (Get Yourself Tested) Campaign with Stakeholder Partners committed to improved sexual health.


The New Jersey Department of Health and publish rates of reported sexually transmitted infections. In Hudson County, the rate of persons living with HIV/AIDS (769.2 per 100,000) is substantially higher than in New Jersey (409.8 per 100,000).

Gonorrhea (71.9 per 100,000) and Chlamydia (351.7 per 100,000) rates are higher in Hudson County than in New Jersey. The primary and secondary syphilis rate in Hudson County (8.2 per 100,000) is almost three times the New Jersey rate (2.8 per 100,000).

The JC Department of Health and Human Services estimates that Jersey City is bordering on an “outbreak” level of STIs, and that an informational campaign to inform residents of the dangers of STDs and safe sex practices is necessary to stem the tide of infections. Teen pregnancy rates in Hudson County are also higher than the state average, as detailed in the Maternal and Child Health section of this proposal.

There is strong evidence that comprehensive risk reduction programs among adolescents increase the use of contraception, while reducing pregnancies and STIs in both the short-term and the long-term. Risk reduction programs among the general population have been shown to reduce risk behaviors such as engagement in sexual activity, frequency of sexual activity, number of partners, and frequency of unprotected sex.

Behavioral interventions are effective when implemented on the individual, group, and community levels, in a variety of settings, including primary care, STI clinics, and schools.

Research funded by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services suggests that implementing evidence-based teen pregnancy prevention programs, expanding access to Medicaid family planning services, and utilizing mass media campaigns to promote safe sex may reduce teen pregnancy.

Action Steps & Indicators of Success: By 2019


Increase awareness, testing and prevention of STDs/STIs through collaborations with partner community organizations.

Success indicator

Launch a massive collaborative GYT (Get Yourself Tested) Awareness Campaign to increase public awareness and prevention of STDs/STIs.


Comprehensive risk reduction sexual education will be promoted in partnership with private practitioners, community health organizations and educators.

Success indicator

Teen pregnancies will decrease from 42.8 per 1,000 births toward the state average of 24.4 per 1,000 births.


Culturally tailored behavioral interventions that incorporate skill building, self-esteem building, sexual health awareness and negotiating safe sex workshops, will be offered to residents.

Success indicator

Instances of STDs/STIs will be decreased across all ethnic and sexual orientation groups.


Culturally tailored behavioral interventions that incorporate skill building, self-esteem building, sexual health awareness and negotiating safe sex workshops, will be offered to residents.

Success indicator

The Jersey City Preventive Medicine Clinic and the two Major JC Hospitals will expand screening access for housing residents and disseminate information about the importance of safe sexual practices.
