DACA Webinar for Immigrant Partners

The Jersey City Division of Immigrant Affairs invites community partners, especially those that help immigrants with legal services, to attend this webinar on the U.S. Supreme Court’s 6/18/20 decision to prolong DACA. Presenters from Grantmakers Concerned with Immigrants and Refugees will explore how philanthropic organizations can support immigrants interested in DACA.

PRIDE Virtual Dance & Trivia Party

You're invited to Hudson Pride Center & Research with a Heart's Virtual Dance & Trivia Party! This PRIDE celebration will feature a head to head VERSUS battle, where we will take turns playing the hottest hits to get you up and dance some of that quarantine stress away. Guests can also compete against each other in our trivia contest, to win a virtual gift card!


This class is designed for anyone who might need a little self-care, physical activity, or just would love the opportunity to slow down, and practice some yoga. Details about the class are below. Date & time: Every Saturday from 12:30 pm – 1:30 pm EST Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/9358236805?pwd=U2pZZHhXN3RKSWwzaE54akFGVzIvQT09 One tap mobile: +19292056099,, 9358236805#,,#,143# US (New York) One tap mobile: +13126266799,, 9358236805#,,#,143# US (Chicago) Meeting ID: 935 823 6805 Password: 143