This class is designed for anyone who might need a little self-care, physical activity, or just would love the opportunity to slow down, and practice some yoga. Details about the class are below. Date & time: Every Saturday from 12:30 pm – 1:30 pm EST Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/9358236805?pwd=U2pZZHhXN3RKSWwzaE54akFGVzIvQT09 One tap mobile: +19292056099,, 9358236805#,,#,143# US (New York) One tap mobile: +13126266799,, 9358236805#,,#,143# US (Chicago) Meeting ID: 935 823 6805 Password: 143

Coffee and Conversations! A Chat with Veterans

This Zoom meeting is the first of many more to come for our Veterans to have a discussion that provides the Director of the Division of Veterans Affairs, with feedback from YOU, the Veteran. Special guest Appearance by Mayor Steve Fulop. I hope you'll join us for this discussion!

DACA Webinar: American Bar Association

The Jersey City Division of Immigrant Affairs invites community partners, especially those that help immigrants with legal services, to attend this webinar on the U.S. Supreme Court’s 6/18/20 decision to prolong DACA. Presenters from the American Bar Association will examine the of the decision on DACA recipients, and the future of immigration in the United States.

Make the Road NJ DACA Webinar

The Division of Immigrant Affairs invites HealthierJC partners who provide legal assistance and community navigation services to our immigrant community to join this webinar. It will feature legal experts from Make the Road NJ providing an analysis of the 6/18/20 Supreme Court ruling on DACA, and guidance for immigrants seeking to apply or renew. Link: bit.ly/2VmNq1w