Controlling Your Cancer Risk
Controlling Your Cancer Risk

When: October 13, 2020

Where: Zoom

Start Time: 11:00 am

End Time: 12:00 pm

Brief Description:

North Jersey Health Collaborative: You can inherit or develop a heightened cancer risk. Learn what causes heightened risks and best practices to manage them.

Take Back Your Health – GI Series
Take Back Your Health – GI Series

When: October 13, 2020

Where: ZOOM - Registration Required: https://form.jotform

Start Time: 7:00 pm

End Time: 8:00 pm

Brief Description:

10/13 Guts and Glory: Learn about the relationship between the GI tract and cancer 10/27 Nutrition for Colorectal Health and Cancer: Learn how proper nutrition can reduce your risk for colorectal cancer

A.A. Online Meetings and Information
A.A. Online Meetings and Information

When: October 20, 2020

Where: Online

Start Time: 12:00 am

End Time: 12:00 am

Brief Description:

Contact us for general information about A.A. and to find online A.A. meetings.

Keeping the Faith Series – Guts & Glory
Keeping the Faith Series – Guts & Glory

When: October 22, 2020

Where: Zoom

Start Time: 6:30 pm

End Time: 7:30 pm

Brief Description:

Learn about the relationship between the GI tract and cancer

Standing Together: United & Mighty!
Standing Together: United & Mighty!

When: October 24, 2020

Where: Zoom

Start Time: 12:00 am

End Time: 2:30 pm

Brief Description:

Join us for a talk on HPV for the Gay and Lesbian Student Education Network (GLSEN) Gay-Straight Alliance (GSA) Forum. The event also includes a transgender panel.

Virtual Breastfeeding Support Group
Virtual Breastfeeding Support Group

When: November 2, 2020

Where: Register here:

Start Time: 12:00 pm

End Time: 1:00 pm

Brief Description:

Do you have questions about breastfeeding? We are pleased to offer our communities a safe place for new and expecting moms to connect online. In a friendly virtual environment our International Board Certified Lactation Consultants will provide guidance and answer questions about latch issues, breast/nipple pain, milk supply concerns, pumping, supplementation, returning to work and weaning. Don’t let breastfeeding challenges discourage you during COVID-19. We are here to support you along your breastfeeding journey. For more information and to be sent the link to participate in the group please register online.