This class is designed for anyone who might need a little self-care, physical activity, or just would love the opportunity to slow down, and practice some yoga. Details about the class are below. Date & time: Every Saturday from 12:30 pm – 1:30 pm EST Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/9358236805?pwd=U2pZZHhXN3RKSWwzaE54akFGVzIvQT09 One tap mobile: +19292056099,, 9358236805#,,#,143# US (New York) One tap mobile: +13126266799,, 9358236805#,,#,143# US (Chicago) Meeting ID: 935 823 6805 Password: 143

Coffee and Conversations! A Chat with Veterans

This Zoom meeting is the first of many more to come for our Veterans to have a discussion that provides the Director of the Division of Veterans Affairs, with feedback from YOU, the Veteran. Special guest Appearance by Mayor Steve Fulop. I hope you'll join us for this discussion!

DACA Webinar: American Bar Association

The Jersey City Division of Immigrant Affairs invites community partners, especially those that help immigrants with legal services, to attend this webinar on the U.S. Supreme Court’s 6/18/20 decision to prolong DACA. Presenters from the American Bar Association will examine the of the decision on DACA recipients, and the future of immigration in the United States.