Empathy & Authencity
Empathy & Authencity

When: May 22, 2020

Where: Zoom

Start Time: 5:00 pm

End Time: 7:00 pm

Brief Description:

An acting workshop for LGBTQ+ youth/ young adults (and allies) between the ages of 13-24. This opportunity is presented by YouthConnect's Virtual Art Program!

8 PM – The Phoenix- Boxing
8 PM – The Phoenix- Boxing

When: May 22, 2020

Where: Zoom - sign in at: https://thephoenix.org/virtual/

Start Time: 7:30 pm

End Time: 8:30 pm

Brief Description:

Live Streamin classes taught by Phoenix instructors and coaches. Rise Recover and Live

11 AM The Phoenix- Yoga
11 AM The Phoenix- Yoga

When: May 23, 2020

Where: Zoom- sign in here: https://thephoenix.org/virtual

Start Time: 9:30 am

End Time: 12:00 pm

Brief Description:

Recovery based and trauma informed yoga for all levels

9:00 AM Detroit Phoenix- Body Weight Community Fitness
9:00 AM Detroit Phoenix- Body Weight Community Fitness

When: May 23, 2020

Where: Zoom- www.thephoenix.org/virtual

Start Time: 10:00 am

End Time: 11:00 am

Brief Description:

Fitness for any level. Sign up at www.thephoenix.org/virtual

12PM The Phoenix Bodyweight CrossFit
12PM The Phoenix Bodyweight CrossFit

When: May 23, 2020

Where: Zoom: sign in at: https://thephoenix.org/virtual/

Start Time: 12:00 pm

End Time: 1:00 pm

Brief Description:

Recovery Focused Bodyweight Crossfit for all levels


When: May 23, 2020

Where: Zoom

Start Time: 12:30 pm

End Time: 1:30 pm

Brief Description:

This class is designed for anyone who might need a little self-care, physical activity, or just would love the opportunity to slow down, and practice some yoga. Details about the class are below. Date & time: Every Saturday from 12:30 pm – 1:30 pm EST Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/9358236805?pwd=U2pZZHhXN3RKSWwzaE54akFGVzIvQT09 One tap mobile: +19292056099,, 9358236805#,,#,143# US (New York) One tap mobile: +13126266799,, 9358236805#,,#,143# US (Chicago) Meeting ID: 935 823 6805 Password: 143