Car Seat Inspection Station
When: November 15, 2018
Where: Jersey City Medical Center -EMS Building
Start Time: 10:00 am
End Time: 2:00 pm
Brief Description:
Join us for child car seat inspections at the Hudson County Car Seat Inspection Station. Inspections are conducted by certified child passenger Safety Technicians. No Appointment Necessary
Maternal Child Health Department Tours
When: November 15, 2018
Where: Jersey City Medical Center
Start Time: 7:00 pm
End Time: 8:00 pm
Brief Description:
There is no registration for the tour. Come to the main lobby entrance and let the representative at the front desk know that you are here for the Maternal Child Health Department tour, and the tour guide will meet the group there.
Patient & Family Support Group
When: November 19, 2018
Where: Jersey City Medical Center
Start Time: 12:00 pm
End Time: 1:00 pm
Brief Description:
Event Description: Monthly support group for patients and their family members that promote discussion and empowerment to help people cope with challenges associated with managing chronic health conditions.
Let’s Talk Nutrition Shopping Tour
When: November 21, 2018
Where: Jersey City Medical Center- Let's Talk Nutrition
Start Time: 12:00 pm
End Time: 1:00 pm
Brief Description:
Event Description: A Guided Grocery Virtual Tour to Help Families Buy Healthy, and Affordable Foods on a Budget.
General Cancer Support Group
When: November 21, 2018
Where: Jersey City Medical Center
Start Time: 1:00 pm
End Time: 2:00 pm
Brief Description:
Event Description: Cancer Group is designed to provide positive support for individuals who are currently being treated for, or are survivors of Cancer.
Maternal Child Health Department Tours
When: November 24, 2018
Where: Jersey City Medical Center
Start Time: 12:00 pm
End Time: 1:00 pm
Brief Description:
Event Description: There is no registration for the tour. Come to the main lobby entrance and let the representative at the front desk know that you are here for the Maternal Child Health Department tour, and the tour guide will meet the group there.