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Events for September 2, 2023

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12:00 am
Medicinal Garden Tour
Medicinal Garden Tour

When: September 2, 2023

where: Riverview Community Garden

Start Time: 12:00 am

End Time: 12:00 pm

Brief Description:

Come learn about the medicinal plants we're growing in the garden, including comfrey, stinging nettle, marshmallow, elecampane, motherwort, sage, chamomile and more!

9:00 am
Hudson CASA Drop-in Center
Hudson CASA Drop-in Center

When: September 2, 2023

where: Garden State CDC Hudson CASA Drop-in Center

Start Time: 9:00 am

End Time: 4:00 pm

Brief Description:

Garden State CDC hosts a Drop-in Center for Homeless persons daily, Monday - Friday. Food, drinks, group activities, and case management services are provided. Additionally, partner agencies come onsite to provide health screenings, mental health services, veteran services, assistance with Medicaid applications and more.

Food Pantry Distribution
Food Pantry Distribution

When: September 2, 2023

where: St. Matthew's Lutheran Church

Start Time: 9:00 am

End Time: 12:00 pm

Brief Description:

Every Saturday, the food pantry distributes various food items according to what is available. These items often include meat, bread, dairy, veggies, canned goods, and grains. All are welcome!

12:00 pm
Fathers Fentanyl Community Outreach
Fathers Fentanyl Community Outreach

When: September 2, 2023

where: Jersey City

Start Time: 12:00 pm

End Time: 4:00 pm

Brief Description:

A bilingual team of formerly incarcerated fathers and Director of the Most Excellent Way Life Center are walking the streets of Jersey City disturbing English and Spanish brochures with the CDC's warning about Fentanyl and sharing their almost death experience from using fentanyl. Brochures are being placed in business and given to daycares for parents. To further the outreach the fathers will distribute "Sneakers &School Supplies" and share the information with parents and their children.

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