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Greater Neighborhood Alliance of Jersey City

2024-08-15T15:25:53-04:00June 6th, 2024|

Maintaining Community Gardens

Established in 2017, The Jersey City Greater Neighborhood Alliance (GNA), formally known as the Greenville Neighborhood Alliance, is dedicated to creating a healthy and productive way of life in Jersey City, and building stronger communities one block at a time. The organization supports a range of activities including neighborhood cleanups in Greenville and Bergen-Lafayette, college career days, tours and prep courses for young adults, bookbag and school supplies giveaways, Easter egg hunts, award galas and masquerade balls. 

Since 2020, the Greater Neighborhood Alliance has also focused on green open space and environmental work in conjunction with the Sustainable JC initiative.  As part of this work, the organization launched the Community Garden Beautification Program, which has two community gardens in Jersey City.  The gardens offer a safe place for young people, senior citizens, and other residents to plant and pick fresh fruits and vegetables, as well as relax and enjoy the serenity of a beautiful community green space. 

Healthier JC + Greater Neighborhood Alliance

With the Community Garden Beautification Program, the Greater Neighborhood Alliance is manifesting the belief that building a Culture of Health means providing the community with clean, secure outdoor space to enjoy nature. These gardens contribute to good mental health and enhance physical health by providing the fresh fruits and vegetables that residents can take home to their families.  

How was the Mini-Grant Used? 

The Greater Neighborhood Alliance used its mini-grant to help maintain and beautify Community Garden Beautification Program gardens. This included gardening equipment and supplies, fruit and vegetable plants, perennial flowers and promotional materials to inform and attract more local residents. HealthierJC and the Jersey City Department of HHS also contributed garden program resources and administrative guidance. 

From June to September 2023 the gardens were open to the public and 20 residents typically visited the gardens each week. Many residents contributed to garden upkeep and were able to pick fruits and vegetables to take home.  Others stopped by to take a moment to relax and enjoy nature. 

Making a Difference…

“In a city as large as Jersey City, open space is more important than ever.
With construction booming, gardens also need to bloom,
and GNA is making that happen.

—Maryanne Kelleher, Director of the Partnership for a Healthier JC

The gardens became gathering places for members of the community. GNA JC partnered with residents to get most of the work done, exchanging ideas with fellow gardeners. Even police officers stopped by to pick their produce and socialize with the Jersey City residents they serve.

For more information visit The Greater Neighborhood Alliance of JC