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Featured Mini-Grantee | Resilient JC

2024-08-15T15:19:08-04:00July 10th, 2024|

Focus on Community Preparedness

If you’ve experienced a fire, a hurricane, or similar crisis, you were probably not aware that Resilient JC was there, supporting Jersey City residents and first-responders.  Resilient JC is involved with disaster preparedness, emergency response and relief, and crisis outreach initiatives across Jersey City.  

+ Resilient JC

Resilient JC believes that Building a Culture of Health means introducing new preparedness programs and educating diverse Jersey City communities to preserve health in critical times – whether in response to a major disaster or a short-term emergency.  Key programs introduced by Resilient JC is Stop The Bleed and Pre-Hospital Trauma Care.  Both focus on pre-hospital trauma care, filling the critical gap between injury and the arrival of professional medical personnel.  

 Resilient JC and Healthier JC are aligned in developing and implementing tactics to make Jersey City a safer, healthier, and more prepared city… ready to address whatever challenges lie ahead.  In recent years, HealthierJC has worked with Resilient JC, Jersey City Medical Centre, and CERT (Community Emergency Response Team) to bring these emergency trauma programs to more Jersey City responders and residents.  And Mayor Fulop has recognized Resilient JC with a Certificate of Appreciation for their contributions to saving lives and increasing community reliance and readiness. 

How was the Mini-Grant Used?

Thanks to the Healthier JC mini-grant in 2023, Resilient JC was able to purchase Pre-Hospital Trauma Care training kits and instruction to expand community emergency care initiatives.  The kits and training were a vital refresher for CERT members previously trained in pre-hospital trauma.  The program also introduced the fundamentals of wound packing and tourniquet use to those trained in first aid but with limited trauma care skills.  

Training was conducted in a Ward E apartment complex on August 27, 2023, and Lafayette Park in Ward F on Sep 17, 2023, for a total of 9 CERT and community members.  Resilient JC works with a diverse group of ethnic minorities, prior military and public service, and many low-income residents. When disaster strikes, those most at risk are often from underserved neighborhoods, as was evidenced in the NY tri-state area after Superstorm Sandy.

Making a Difference…

“The mini-grant helped us to reach the whole city.  
We want to assist everybody from Newport to the poorest areas”
— Steve Landfield, secretary, Resilient JC

Landfield, who has worked for the Red Cross and FEMA, said that Resilient JC seeks to improve emergency capabilities and communications to make sure all involved can respond at the highest level in times of crisis.  “It aims to set up a community-based network of trained and competent individuals, so that if and when the day comes, resources can be effectively deployed to best serve the community.”

According to Landfield, Resilient JC works closely with fire and police departments, but if full-time responders are not available, Resilient JC ensures that help can be deployed when there is “a level of need.”  We work to ensure that responders have “the training, equipment, personnel, and systems in place to reach the entire city.”

Landfield cites Hurricane Sandy as a disaster that required a response and resources from Resilient JC.  And reminds us that every year, vigilance by Resilient JC is required for events like July 4th where Jersey City residents converge in masse.  

For more information, visit Resilient JC at