Free Eye Screening
You must pre-register to participate! The Jersey City Department of Health and Human Services in a partnership with Commission for the Blind and Visually Impaired, and Project B.E.S.T. for a free vision screening event.
Partnership for a HealthierJC & senior citizens initiate community garden at Maureen Collier Senior Center
Partnership for a HealthierJC & senior citizens initiate community garden at Maureen Collier Senior Center
Partnership for a HealthierJC & senior citizens initiate community garden at Maureen Collier Senior Center
Partnership for a HealthierJC & senior citizens initiate community garden at Maureen Collier Senior Center
You must pre-register to participate! The Jersey City Department of Health and Human Services in a partnership with Commission for the Blind and Visually Impaired, and Project B.E.S.T. for a free vision screening event.
JC Division of Community Health and Wellness with the partnership of Jersey City Medical Center is having a Breast Cancer Awareness workshop. This workshop will only be provided for the residents of Catherine Todd.