Book Swap
Book donation / swap, Sunday, 5/21. 4-6 pm. Bring any new or used books you’re interested in swapping with someone else’s books. Plus, we’ll be accepting donations to buy a replacement free little library. Live music too!
Partnership for a HealthierJC & senior citizens initiate community garden at Maureen Collier Senior Center
Partnership for a HealthierJC & senior citizens initiate community garden at Maureen Collier Senior Center
Partnership for a HealthierJC & senior citizens initiate community garden at Maureen Collier Senior Center
Partnership for a HealthierJC & senior citizens initiate community garden at Maureen Collier Senior Center
Book donation / swap, Sunday, 5/21. 4-6 pm. Bring any new or used books you’re interested in swapping with someone else’s books. Plus, we’ll be accepting donations to buy a replacement free little library. Live music too!