Children learning about pollinators.

Wild Ones

Organization type:

About the partner

Wild Ones promotes environmentally friendly landscaping to preserve biodiversity through the preservation, restoration, and establishment of native plant communities by: We provide free, educational resources and learning opportunities that are open to the public and schools. These include educational webinars, community presentations, plant sales, as well as garden design collaboration.

Perspective on Health Equity

A culture of health means taking action to embrace community health for all. Wild Ones strives to educate all about our need for a continued healthy biodiversity. Our lives depend on it. Planting native plants is a positive action to support beneficial insects such as bees, butterflies and birds - the mainstay of pollinators. Overpopulated and overdeveloped, Jersey City needs to build more microhabitats and pollinator corridors. Native plants help combate the climate crisis.

Hours of operation

[{"start_time":"9:00 am","end_time":"5:00 pm"},{"start_time":"9:00 am","end_time":"5:00 pm"},{"start_time":"9:00 am","end_time":"5:00 pm"},{"start_time":"9:00 am","end_time":"5:00 pm"},{"start_time":"9:00 am","end_time":"5:00 pm"},{"start_time":"Closed","end_time":"Closed"},{"start_time":"Closed","end_time":"Closed"}]
Monday: -
Tuesday: -
Wednesday: -
Thursday: -
Friday: -
Saturday: -
Sunday: -

