In a 2013 Community Health Needs Assessment compiled by Jersey City Medical Center, in conjunction with the City of Jersey City and various community partners, residents participating in focus groups cited lack of educational opportunities and public safety as their biggest concerns. Improved education, especially with regard to how to access and manage one’s health, was described as the most important step to correcting health disparities.
Increasing the participation of minority and low-income residents in health careers is an important step toward reducing health disparities in medically underserved areas such as Jersey City. Minority patients that visit health professionals of the same race often report feeling more satisfied with care. Further, minority health professionals appear more likely to practice in primary care and inner city settings than their peers. With Jersey City currently ranking near the bottom in the state of New Jersey when it comes to the number of primary care and mental health care providers available to residents, recruitment of minority and low-income residents into college access programs, and health career professional degree programs, is an important step toward reducing health disparities for all residents.
High profile violent crime and gang activity are consistently cited by residents, business owners, and government officials as deterring community building, physical activity, economic vitality, and confidence in city and county government. There is evidence that community policing not only increases resident’s satisfaction with police and feelings of safety, but may encourage new businesses to open and invest in distressed neighborhoods, thereby creating new job opportunities and increased economic activity.
With the U.S. fostering an increasingly an information-based economy, providing information to residents on the quality of their physical environment and where crimes are committed can help them make informed decisions on where to live, work, start new businesses, play, and raise children.