
Grant Eligibility

Applicants must be a not-for-profit serving majority of Jersey City residents. (In other words, it’s okay if your agency serves some people outside of Jersey City but the majority of your clientele should be Jersey City residents.)

The following nonprofit organizations are eligible for our mini-grant program:

  • 501©3 Public Charity Organization
  • 501©4 Social Welfare Agency
  • 501©5 Labor, Agricultural, and Horticultural Organizations
  • 501©6 Business Association
  • 501©7 Social and Recreation Clubs
  • 501©10 Fraternal societies
  • 501©13 Cemeteries
  • 501©19 Veterans’ Organizations
  • All requests for funding must be made using the Mini Grant Application found on the “Apply” tab of this website, under “Grants,” and submitted electronically.
  • All funding allocations will start at $5,000 with additional funding available with proper justification.
  • The vast majority of this grant funding will be awarded to organizations serving underserved populations and Jersey City neighborhoods.
  • Grants will be awarded to local organizations that demonstrate the capacity to build coalitions and use best practices to achieve equity across the various social determinants of health.
  • All approved requests must be clearly aligned with the HealthierJC mission and vision.
  • The Steering Committee reserves the right to make adjustments to the request and/or request amendments based on the discussion generated during grant application review.
  • Final decisions for funding will be made by a consensus vote by all active Steering Committee members. (Steering Committee members will be recused from the vote if their organization is the one requesting funding or if there is a perceived conflict of interest.)
  • Any funding request that includes staff time must clearly justify how the time will be used and why that particular staff person is needed (e.g. it should not be for something that could be reasonably done by volunteers).
  • Organizations who acquire funding via the HealthierJC Partnership must complete funded programs by August 30th, 2024.
  • All Mini Grantees, will be required to submit a Final Grant Report due no later than September 16th, 2024.

This grant funding to Enhance Local Public Health Infrastructure (ELPHI) in partnership with organizations like yours is made possible through funding from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), grant administrators from the New Jersey Department of Health (NJDOH) and the New Jersey Association of County & City Health Officials (NJACCHO). This program is meant to support Local Health Department grantees in increasing health equity for underserved Jersey City populations. The focus areas mentioned above, and outlined in the following pages, were selected after an extensive analysis of Jersey City’s health and population data. While HealthierJC will lead the effort to create awareness and coordinate implementation of the selected action steps our community partner organizations will lead the efforts on the ground.

Ineligible Organizations

  • Any prior grantee that failed to provide prior grant reporting by deadline is ineligible for this round of funding.
  • Any Community-Based Organization (CBO) that failed to honor prior event sponsorship funding agreements with HHS.
  • See FAQs for more information.
  • No funds for scholarships, incentives, clinical care, food incentives, or spay/trap/neuter programs will be approved.
  • For-Profit Organizations

How To Apply

In order to Apply for a Grant, you MUST be a registered HealthierJC Partner! (Return to the Overview Page to sign up or login as a partner)

1/ Go to the “Apply” tab to access the grant application or click here:

NOTE: Complete all fields on the application.  Be sure to press “Submit” upon completion.  

2/ Upon receipt of your application, you will receive an email from Evelyn Chan in the HHS Directors Office, with required financial documents requiring your completion.

Please look out for this email, as you will need to respond within 3 business days to complete mini-grant eligibility requirements.

*All applications need additional compliance paperwork and processes.

  • Grant funds CANNOT be used for scholarships, incentives, food incentives or clinical care interventions for humans or animals.

Our mini-grant appplication period is closed

Join our mailing list and follow us on Twitter/x for updates on future grant opportunities! Also visit our awards page for a summary of past Mini-Grant proposals and achievements.

woman sitting on chair holding leaf