

Congratulations to our 2024 mini-grantees!  The Partnership for a Healthier JC awarded organizations with mini-grants to build a greater culture of health in Jersey City.  They are listed below with a brief synopsis of the work they intend to do in partnership with HealthierJC.

Academic Excellence, A New Jersey – $11,500

Will address the Urgent Health Priority of Health Education and Management of Chronic Illness. Organize safety fairs and workshops that address the unique safety concerns and needs of young people.  The program would focus on topics like cyber safety, peer pressure, substance abuse prevention, conflict resolution, and mental health awareness.  It will also build skills to empower youth to actively promote safety within their communities. For more info about our grantee visit:

Act Now Foundation Dementia Resource Center – $13,280

Will address the Urgent Health Priority of Health Education and Management of Chronic Illness. Funds will support the Brain Health Initiative which addresses seniors, caregivers, and individuals who have been diagnosed with dementia.  The initiative targets the socially and economically disadvantaged Jersey City households with dementia family members. Programming will cover a spectrum of mental health conditions and care implications.  Fair attendees will be given information, offered free health screenings, and can experience a Brain Discovery Zone, fitness classes, music, food… and more. There are also six educational seminars planned to tackle topics like aging, the caregiver role, legal decisions, and planning for long-term care. For more info about our grantee visit:  

Alzheimer’s New Jersey – $3,835

Will address Urgent Health Priority of Health Education and Management of Chronic Illness. Seeking to implement Project Connect in two ways: 1) Participate in the Liberty State Park Walk to Fight Alzheimer’s, and 2) Develop and instruct a presentation related to Understanding Memory Loss Awareness as part of the annual NJ state education catalog.  The walk will be an opportunity to raise visibility and educate. The presentation will explore the normal vs abnormal age-related memory changes associated with Alzheimer’s disease and other forms of dementia, including some of the common warning signs. For more info about our grantee visit:

Our mini-grant appplication period is closed

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