NESAWG 2017 Conference Attendees at Bartram's Garden, Philly's oldest urban garden, as part of an urban ag tour of West Philadelphia.

Northeast Sustainable Agriculture Working Group, a project of the Tides Center

Organization type:

About the partner

We convene sustainable food systems stakeholders for conversation, collaboration, networking, information sharing, and advocacy, in service of strengthening the movement for a just and sustainable food system. Our programs include: Annual It Takes a Region Conference Policy Advocacy and Awareness Raising Racial Justice and Equity Food Systems Communications and Info-Sharing NESAWG is a fiscally sponsored project of the Tides Center, a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.

Perspective on Health Equity

To us, this means providing all residents and workers in JC with the ability and resources to make culturally appropriate healthy choices, about food, access to movement, work-life balance, and mental health support. It includes everything from creating a walkable city to incentivizing healthy food businesses to come to the city to turning vacant lots into community gardens to reducing waste and air pollution to offering mental health services (and much more.)

Hours of operation

[{"start_time":"9:00 am","end_time":"5:00 pm"},{"start_time":"9:00 am","end_time":"5:00 pm"},{"start_time":"9:00 am","end_time":"5:00 pm"},{"start_time":"9:00 am","end_time":"5:00 pm"},{"start_time":"9:00 am","end_time":"5:00 pm"},{"start_time":"Closed","end_time":"Closed"},{"start_time":"Closed","end_time":"Closed"}]
Monday: -
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