The Friends of Speer has a goal to provide a historical green space for the Jersey City community and beyond. We’re trying to raise funds in order to repair broken/fallen headstones. We've planted an array of pollinating flowers for our bee hives to represent the diversity of Jersey City. Another goal is to provide a safe space for the Monarch and their larvae. We currently have our free Mindfulness in Green Spaces program every Monday, 7pm-9pm. Everyone's welcome! BYOB-Bring Your Own Blanket.
The culture of health, I believe, is living your life in a way that will prevent you from having to go to the doctor. This can be done by feeding both your body healthy foods and exercise as well as giving your mind healthy input leaving an individual in their best condition. While going to the doctor is necessary to make sure everything is in its right working order, living a healthy life will usually always be the best method to being productive.