
Family Promise of Hudson County

Organization type:

About the partner

Family Promise helps local communities coordinate their compassion to address the root causes of family homelessness. We address the issue holistically, providing prevention services before families reach crisis. We provide shelter and case management when they become homeless, and stabilization programs once they have secured housing to ensure they remain independent. We tap into existing local resources to empower families towards economic stability.

Perspective on Health Equity

Our main objective when starting this program was to prevent families from becoming homeless. Our program assists families prepare for their future while giving them ongoing support as they tackle the financial challenges they face along the way. Our motto states, “Together WE Can” and we believe that if we all work together, we can create a culture of health in Jersey City.

Hours of operation

Monday: -
Tuesday: -
Wednesday: -
Thursday: -
Friday: -
Saturday: -
Sunday: -

