Rho Kappa Omega services the Jersey City Community through various program efforts under six different initiatives. Specifically, the initiative Empower Our Families, is a multi-generational approach to fortify families by addressing child hunger and promoting positive youth development and leadership, mental well-being, and senior life. We provide a Youth Leadership group, senior programs. community food distributions, scholarships to Hudson County seniors attending college and more.
A Culture of Health means, families in Jersey City will have equal access to fresh, affordable foods and be able to make informative choices about healthy food options. Through our initiatives we have purchased, packaged and distributed food to Seniors, families and the community of Jersey City in partnership with AngelaCares, Zion Cares and HungerFree. Our newest initiative, is to prevent childhood hunger by partnering with P.S. 14 school to provide weekend bags of food to 65 students.