The NJ Coalition Against Human Trafficking Intern Class of 2019

New Jersey Coalition Against Human Trafficking

Organization type:

About the partner

The mission of the NJCAHT is to unite NJ communities to abolish human trafficking. We have a range of committees working in specific areas to achieve that mission including education, healthcare and speakers bureau. We offer mostly free events, many live streamed, and programs to engage such as Locker Slam for schools awareness.

Perspective on Health Equity

Ensuring that all institutions in Jersey City have access to important information on how to keep the community free from slavery. This means educating children on how to avoid becoming victims of sexual slavery, as well as ensuring the community does not tolerate forced labor. We aim to educate professionals to recognize the signs of trafficking in hospitals, schools and elsewhere but also empower the community to prevent it.

Hours of operation

Monday: -
Tuesday: -
Wednesday: -
Thursday: -
Friday: -
Saturday: -
Sunday: -

