
Most Excellent Way Life Center Inc

Organization type:

About the partner

Most Excellent Way Life Center is a faith-based organization with a multidisciplinary community approach. Our focus is family preservation through social services, family reunification, recovery, and mental health peer mentorship and professional bi-lingual counseling. We offer structured supportive housing for homeless male and female ex-offenders and employment and training.

Perspective on Health Equity

To Most Excellent Way Life Center building a culture of health in Jersey City means preserving families and improving the quality of life within our communities which would undoubtedly improve public safety.

Hours of operation

[{"start_time":"9:00 am","end_time":"4:00 pm"},{"start_time":"12:00 pm","end_time":"4:00 pm"},{"start_time":"9:00 am","end_time":"4:00 pm"},{"start_time":"9:00 am","end_time":"4:00 pm"},{"start_time":"Closed","end_time":"Closed"},{"start_time":"12:00 pm","end_time":"3:00 pm"},{"start_time":"Closed","end_time":"Closed"}]
Monday: -
Tuesday: -
Wednesday: -
Thursday: -
Friday: -
Saturday: -
Sunday: -

