Picture of woman meditating

Flor Verde Healing

Organization type:

About the partner

Flor Verde Healing offers a path to experience transformative change and deal with physical and mental health through liberation-based practices. We are a holistic nurse and licensed therapist team. Our holistic nurse coach provides personalized wellness plans and practices from a decolonized lens, integrating wellness coaching, yoga therapy, movement, breath work, meditation, and plant medicine. Our mental health therapist offers therapy rooted in liberation-based healing.

Perspective on Health Equity

Building a Culture of Health in Jersey City means addressing physical, mental, spiritual, and emotional health, as well as addressing health disparities and increasing health equity so that all individuals have equal opportunity and access to services.

Hours of operation

[{"start_time":"9:00 am","end_time":"8:00 pm"},{"start_time":"9:00 am","end_time":"8:00 pm"},{"start_time":"9:00 am","end_time":"8:00 pm"},{"start_time":"9:00 am","end_time":"8:00 pm"},{"start_time":"9:00 am","end_time":"8:00 pm"},{"start_time":"Closed","end_time":"Closed"},{"start_time":"Closed","end_time":"Closed"}]
Monday: -
Tuesday: -
Wednesday: -
Thursday: -
Friday: -
Saturday: -
Sunday: -

