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Featured Mini-Grantee | DLJ Give to Live Community Foundation

2024-08-15T15:29:02-04:00May 9th, 2024|

Fashion for the Common Good

The DLJ Give to Live Community Foundation raises funds and promotes awareness for charitable causes through panels, networking, fashion, entertainment, and sports events.

Since 2012, DLJ Give to Live Community Foundation has produced the annual Jersey City Fashion Week and uses the proceeds of this event to fund community nonprofits. DLJ Fashion Week benefits Jersey City in the following ways: 

  • Young people experience and can contribute to the intersecting worlds of fashion, entertainment, and sports
  • The city gains recognition as the host of an annual fashion show
  • Nonprofits receive donations that enable them to provide social services

Suspended due to the pandemic, DLJ Give to Live submitted a mini-grant application to help fund the relaunch of Jersey City Fashion Week in October of 2023. All Fashion Week revenue would be donated to the National Medical Fellowship organization (, which provides scholarships to African American medical students, and supports a range of community health initiatives.


HealthierJC + DLJ Give to Live Community Foundation

For the DLJ Give to Live Community Foundation, building a Culture of Health means educating, supporting, and raising awareness about health issues in the community.

The mission and priorities of DLJ Give to Live align with HealthierJC’s commitment to improved health outcomes through nutrition, expanding access to mental health education and resources, and advancing health equity throughout Jersey City.

Over the years, income from the Jersey City Fashion Week has supported a wide range of charitable programs, including but not limited to Dress for Success of Hudson County, Boys and Girls Clubs of Hudson County, Art House Productions, Covenant House of New Jersey, the Salvation Army, and the Hudson Pride Center.


How was the Mini-Grant Used?

The 2023 HealthierJC mini-grant was used to produce the 2023 – 2024 Jersey City Fashion Week. The funds supported the leasing space for the relaunch, event insurance, flyers, advertisements, a printer, graphic artist, and videographer.

Jersey City Fashion Week proceeds went to the National Medical Fellowship. DLJ Give to Live funds also supported:

  • She Is, which provides one-on-one mentorship program focused on building the confidence of girls ages 6 to 18
  • Hunger Free Unity, which donates food to homeless shelters, churches, and seniors in Hudson County

DLJ Give to Live estimates that some 400 people, mostly from Jersey City, attended Fashion Week 2023 based on ticket sales online and at the door.

Factoring in those who benefited from organizations that DLJ Give to Live supports, the mini-grant impacted 600+ Jersey City residents.


Making a Difference…

“We don’t get paid. We help the community, give to the poor, to kids, to the elderly,
to the homeless.  It feels good to help and support these types of programs.”
—Desha Jackson, CEO DLJ Give to Live Community Foundation.

“Highlighting healthy living is important in improving any community, and Healthier JC support helps,” Jackson said.

Jackson also explained that DJL Give to Live “…supports people in need, people in crisis, women, children, law enforcement, these are all issues I care about, programs that give young people something to do.

“It touches me when a mother says that her daughter was with me for five or six years walking the runway, growing up in the program.

“We created the program to give back to the community, Jersey City, Hudson County. We give kids hope, help them make connections and get jobs. Some have never modelled and get their start with Fashion Week. The experience often] instills in them the spirit of giving back.”

A litigator and pastor, Jackson loves the “give back” business and will “continue to raise money and pound the pavement.”

To learn more about DLJ Give to Live, visit