Event entertainer in New York and New Jersey, DJ Michael Demby brings 20 years experience to your wedding, mitzvah, sweet 16, or party!

DJ Michael Demby

Organization type:

About the partner

Event entertainer in New York and New Jersey, DJ Michael Demby brings 20 years experience to your party, wedding, mitzvah, or sweet 16. With the natural ability to cater the right music to any crowd at the perfect moment, Michael prides himself on bringing the same passion and dedication to each and every occasion.

Perspective on Health Equity

It is important to promote good health in Jersey City, meaning all adults and children should have access to the basics to be as healthy as possible.

Hours of operation

[{"start_time":"9 am","end_time":"8 pm"},{"start_time":"9 am","end_time":"8 pm"},{"start_time":"9 am","end_time":"8 pm"},{"start_time":"9 am","end_time":"8 pm"},{"start_time":"9 am","end_time":"8 pm"},{"start_time":"10 am","end_time":"8 pm"},{"start_time":"10 am","end_time":"8 pm"}]
Monday: -
Tuesday: -
Wednesday: -
Thursday: -
Friday: -
Saturday: -
Sunday: -

